Domain Email Verification

Domain Email Verification
If you are getting below error on your website about email verification than it is easy to fix it.

ALERT ON WEBSITE: If you are the owner of this domain name, 
click here to verify
What is this alert?
When you register a new domain, ICANN send you a verification email. Do check your junk mail folder if you have not received it in inbox. You just have to click on Confirm Email Address to confirm your email.
What is ICANN?
ICANN is the regulating body for domain registrations. ICAN sets policies and regulations for domain registrars and domain registrants, which are mandatory for all.
How to Resend Email Verification?
You can resend email verification by clicking on the click Here to verify link on your website as mentioned in below image.

The website will direct you to a new page which has a button of Resend Verification Email, click on it and you will get a email which you have to process than.
When a new domain is created you will have few weeks to click on the verify email link. If you do not verify your website may go down. Tezhost Support team do not have option to click on the email verification link on your behalf. The email verification is only sent to the domain owner and only the owner can verify it. After successful email verification the website will get live in few hours automatically. You can always contact our support staff if you are facing any issue that need quick attention.


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